Monday, April 9, 2018

Hiba Zyna - 2nd Grade

I was awarded with the "Treasured Child volunteer" appreciation certificate in the 2nd T20 World Cup for the Blind in India which was held last year. It was a great experience working with the blind an I have read out to the public about the Blind Cricket Game and how it is played among the Blind players.I used to help them showing the way, lead them to the ground and talk to them about the audience presence. I used to give them water and sit by them to cheer them us. I used to follow them when they are walking and caution them when there is a step up or down or the ground is flat or high or slippery or wet. I used to help them at the dining table to show them the items in the plate by touch. Once they are feel by touch which is where then there is no need to tell them again and again. They will eat by themselves like us.I observed that they have lot of courage and inspiration. They have good communication, strong determination , high concentration without distraction full dedication and high discipline and unity with devotion to their blind community. They have high skills of technology adaptation. Through game they proved that disability is not a part of them. I loved working with them but not keeping them far from us. Let us not disability as diversity. Let us salute the blind people.

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